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张海斌,博士,副教授, 理论物理专业硕导。男,籍贯福建政和。2010年在西南大学获得物理学专业学士学位。2015年在大连理工大学获得理论物理专业博士学位。毕业后入职beat365亚洲体育在线工作。现任物理系主任。主要从事场论与粒子物理的研究,包括费曼圈图计算与在超对称模型进行Higgs物理、中微子物理、B物理与轻子味道破坏等唯象学研究。现主持国家自然科学基金青年项目与beat365亚洲体育在线人才引进项目,参加国家自然科学基金重点项目等基金项目。完成主持国家自然科学基金理论物理专款与河北省自然科学基金青年项目,完成参加的国家自然科学基金面上项目等基金项目。目前已发表的SCI论文50余篇,其中JHEP、PRD、EPJC与NPB等粒子物理领域国际优秀期刊论文30余篇。以主要完成人之一获2016年度河北省自然科学奖二等奖。2018年入选第三批河北省青年拔尖人才支持计划。2019年入选河北省三三三人才工程三层次人选。






































Inspire-HEP论文个人网址: http://inspirehep.net/author/profile/H.B.Zhang.2

ResearchGate论文个人网址: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hai_Bin_Zhang/publications

ResearcherID论文个人网址: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/I-5947-2014



Chang-Xn Liu,Hai-Bin Zhang*, Jin-Lei Yang, Shu-Min Zhao, Yu-Bin Liu, Tai-Fu Feng. Higgs boson decay h→Zγ and muon magnetic dipole moment in the μνSSM.JHEP04 (2020) 002.——top期刊


Hai-Bin Zhang*, Tai-Fu Feng, Xiu-Yi Yang, Shu-Min Zhao, Guo-Zhu Ning. Higgs boson mass corrections in the μνSSM with effective potential methods.Physical Review D95 (2017) 075013.——top期刊


Hai-Bin Zhang*, Tai-Fu Feng, Shu-Min Zhao, Yu-Li Yan, Fei Sun. 125 GeV Higgs decay with lepton flavor violation in the μνSSM.Chinese Physics C41 (2017) 043106. ——当期期刊热点论文(Highlight)


Hai-Bin Zhang*, Tai-Fu Feng, Guo-Hui Luo, Zhao-Feng Ge, Shu-Min Zhao. Muon conversion to electron in nuclei within the μνSSM with a 125 GeV Higgs.Journal of High Energy Physics07 (2013) 069. ——top期刊


Hai-Bin Zhang*, Tai-Fu Feng, Zhao-Feng Ge, Shu-Min Zhao. Transition magnetic moment of Majorana neutrinos in the μνSSM.Journal of High Energy Physics02 (2014) 012. ——top期刊


Hai-Bin Zhang*, Tai-Fu Feng, Fei Sun, Ke-Sheng Sun, Jian-Bin Chen, Shu-Min Zhao. 125 GeV Higgs boson decays in the μ from ν supersymmetric standard model.Physical Review D89 (2014) 115007. ——top期刊


Hai-Bin Zhang*, Tai-Fu Feng, Shu-Min Zhao, Tie-Jun Gao. Lepton-flavor violation and (g-2)μ in the μνSSM.Nuclear Physics B873 (2013) 300-324. ——传统优秀期刊


Hai-Bin Zhang*, Tai-Fu Feng, Li-Na Kou, Shu-Min Zhao. Neutrino Mixing in the μνSSM.International Journal of Modern Physics A28 (2013) 1350117.


Hai-Bin Zhang*, Tai-Fu Feng, Shu-Min Zhao, Fei Sun. Lepton flavor violation in the μνSSM with slepton flavor mixing.International Journal of Modern Physics A29 (2014) 1450123.


Hai-Bin Zhang*, Guo-Hui Luo, Tai-Fu Feng, Shu-Min Zhao, Tie-Jun Gao, Ke-Sheng Sun. B→Xsγ in the μνSSM.Modern Physics Letters A29 (2014) 1450196.


Zhi-Hua Gu*,Hai-Bin Zhang*. Three-loop vacuum integral with four-propagators using hypergeometry.Chin. Phys. C43 (2019) 083102.


Tai-Fu Feng*, Chao-Hsi Chang*, Jian-Bin Chen*.,Hai-Bin Zhang*. GKZ-hypergeometric systems for Feynman integrals.Nuclear Physics B953 (2020) 114952.——传统优秀期刊


Tai-Fu Feng*, Chao-Hsi Chang*, Jian-Bin Chen, Zhi-Hua Gu,Hai-Bin Zhang*. Evaluating Feynman integrals by the hypergeometry.Nuclear Physics B927 (2018) 516–549. ——传统优秀期刊


Tai-Fu Feng*, Chao-Hsi Chang*, Jian-Bin Chen*.,Hai-Bin Zhang*. The system of partial differential equations for the C0 function.Nuclear Physics B940 (2019) 130-189.——传统优秀期刊


Tai-Fu Feng*, Jin-Lei Yang,Hai-Bin Zhang*, Shu-Min Zhao, Rong-Fei Zhu. B → XSl+l- in the minimal gauged (B−L) supersymmetry.Physical Review D94 (2016) 115034. ——top期刊


Tai-Fu Feng*, Yu-Li Yan,Hai-Bin Zhang, Shu-Min Zhao. B→Xsγ in the minimal gauged (B-L) supersymmetry.Physical Review D92 (2015) 055024. ——top期刊


Chao-Hsi Chang, Tai-Fu Feng*, Yu-Li Yan,Hai-Bin Zhang, Shu-Min Zhao. Spontaneous R-parity violation in the minimal gauged (B-L) supersymmetry with a 125 GeV Higgs boson.Physical Review D90 (2014) 035013. ——top期刊


Tai-Fu Feng, Shu-Min Zhao,Hai-Bin Zhang, et al. Gauged baryon and lepton numbers in supersymmetry with a 125 GeV Higgs.Nuclear Physics B871 (2013) 223–244. ——JCR二区,传统优秀期刊


Tai-Fu Feng*, Yu-Li Yan,Hai-Bin Zhang*, Shu-Min Zhao. Bs→l+l- in the minimal gauged (B−L) supersymmetry.International Journal of Modern Physics A31 (2016) 1650092.


Jin-Lei Yang*, Tai-Fu Feng*, Sheng-Kai Cui, Chang-xin Liu, Wei Li,Hai-Bin Zhang*. Electric dipole moments of neutron and heavy quarks in the B-LSSM.JHEP04 (2020) 013.——top期刊


Jin-Lei Yang*, Tai-Fu Feng*,Hai-Bin Zhang*. Electroweak baryogenesis and electron EDM in the B-LSSM.Eur. Phys. J. C80 (2020) 210.——top期刊


Jin-Lei Yang*, Tai-Fu Feng*, Yu-Li Yan, Wei Li, Shu-Min Zhao,Hai-Bin Zhang*. Lepton-flavor violation and two loop electroweak corrections to (g−2)μ in the B-LSSM --Physical Review D99 (2019) 015002.——top期刊


Jin-Lei Yang*, Tai-Fu Feng*, Shu-Min Zhao, Rong-Fei Zhu, Xiu-Yi Yang,Hai-Bin Zhang*. Two loop electroweak corrections to B¯→Xsγ and Bs0→μ+μ− in the B-LSSM.Eur. Phys. J. C78 (2018) 714.——top期刊


Jin-Lei Yang*, Tai-Fu Feng*,Hai-Bin Zhang*, Guo-Zhu Ning, Xiu-Yi Yang. Top quark decays with flavor violation in the B-LSSM.Eur. Phys. J. C78 (2018) 438.——top期刊


Yu-Li Yan*, Tai-Fu Feng*, Jin-Lei Yang,Hai-Bin Zhang*,Shu-Min Zhao, Rong-Fei Zhu. Neutrino masses in the minimal gauged (B−L) supersymmetry.Physical Review D97 (2018) 055036.——top期刊


Rong-Fei Zhu∗, Tai-Fu Feng*,Hai-Bin Zhang*.The QCD corrections of the process h → ηbZ.Modern Physics Letters A33 (2018) 1830008.


Zhao-Feng Ge, Tai-Fu Feng,Hai-Bin Zhang. The constraints on new physics from b → s transitions.Modern Physics Letters A31 (2016) 1650164.


Shu-Min Zhao*, Tai-Fu Feng*, Jian-Bin Chen*, Jing-Jing Feng, Guo-Zhu Ning*,Hai-Bin Zhang*. Higgs boson decay h0→mVZ in the MSSM with gauged baryon and lepton number.Physical Review D97 (2018) 095043.——top期刊


Shu-Min Zhao*, Tai-Fu Feng*, Ming-Jie Zhang*, Jin-Lei Yang*,Hai-Bin Zhang*, Guo-Zhu Ning*. Scalar neutrino dark matter in U(1)XSSM.Journal of High Energy Physics02 (2020) 130. ——top期刊


Shu-Min Zhao*, Tai-Fu Feng*, Guo-Zhu Ning*, Jian-Bin Chen*,Hai-Bin Zhang*, Xing Xing Dong. The extended BLMSSM with a 125 GeV Higgs boson and dark matter.Eur. Phys. J. C78 (2018) 324.——top期刊


Shu-Min Zhao, Tai-Fu Feng, Zhong-Jun Yang,Hai-Bin Zhang, Xing-Xing Dong, Tao Guo. The one-loop contributions to c(t) electric dipole moment in the CP-violating BLMSSM.European Physical Journal C77 (2017) 102. ——top期刊


Shu-Min Zhao, Tai-Fu Feng, Xing-Xing Dong,Hai-Bin Zhang, Guo-Zhu Ning, Tao Guo. The one loop corrections to the neutrino masses in BLMSSM.Nuclear Physics B910 (2016) 225-239. ——传统优秀期刊


Shu-Min Zhao, Tai-Fu Feng,Hai-Bin Zhang, et al. Lepton flavor violation in the MSSM extension with gauged baryon and lepton numbers.Physical Review D92 (2015) 115016. ——top期刊


Shu-Min Zhao, Tai-Fu Feng, Xi-Jie Zhan,Hai-Bin Zhang, Ben Yan. The study of lepton EDM in CP violating BLMSSM.Journal of High Energy Physics07 (2015) 124. ——top期刊


Shu-Min Zhao, Tai-Fu Feng,Hai-Bin Zhang, et al. The corrections from one loop and two-loop Barr-Zee type diagrams to muon MDM in BLMSSM.Journal of High Energy Physics11 (2014) 119. ——top期刊


Shu-Min Zhao, Tai-Fu Feng, Ben Yan,Hai-Bin Zhang, et al. Neutron electric dipole moment in CP violating BLMSSM.Journal of High Energy Physics10 (2013) 020. ——JCR一区,top期刊


Shu-Min Zhao, Fang Wang, Biao Chen, Tai-Fu Feng,Hai-Bin Zhang, et al. Some two-loop contributions to muon magnetic dipole moment in the CP-violating MSSM.Modern Physics Letters A28 (2013) 1350173.


Xing-Xing Dong*, Shu-Min Zhao*,Hai-Bin Zhang*, Tai-Fu Feng*. The two-loop corrections to lepton MDMs and EDMs in the EBLMSSM.J. Phys. G47 (2020) 045002.——传统优秀期刊


Xing-Xing Dong*, Shu-Min Zhao*,Hai-Bin Zhang*, Tai-Fu Feng*. Charged lepton flavor violation in extended BLMSSM.Eur. Phys. J. C79 (2019) 17.——top期刊


Xing-Xing Dong, Shu-Min Zhao, Jing-Jing Feng, Guo-Zhu Ning, Jian-Bin Chen, Hai-Bin Zhang, Tai-Fu Feng. Search for charged lepton flavor violation of vector mesons in the BLMSSM model.Physical Review D97 (2018) 056027.——top期刊


Xing-Xing Dong, Shu-Min Zhao, Xi-Jie Zhan, Zhong-Jun Yang,Hai-Bin Zhang, Tai-Fu Feng. The study of the Z→l±il∓j processes in the BLMSSM.Chinese Physics C41 (2017) 073103.


Xing-Xing Dong, Shu-Min Zhao,Hai-Bin Zhang, Fang Wang, Tai-Fu Feng. Feynman rules for neutrinos and new neutralinos in the BLMSSM.Chinese Physics C40 (2016) 093103.


Jing-Jing Feng*, Shu-Min Zhao*, Xing-Xing Dong, Zhong-Jun Yang,Hai-Bin Zhang, FangWang, Tai-Fu Feng. Study of dark matter in the extended BLMSSM.Phys. Rev. D99 (2019) 095033.——top期刊


Zhong-Jun Yang, Shu-Min Zhao, Xing-Xing Dong, Xi-Jie Zhan,Hai-Bin Zhang, Tai-Fu Feng. Corrections to RD and RD∗ in the BLMSSM.Chinese Physics C42 (2018) 113104.


Tie-Jun Gao, Tai-Fu Feng, Fei Sun,Hai-Bin Zhang, Shu-Min Zhao. Top quark decay to a 125 GeV Higgs in the BLMSSM.Chinese Physics C39 (2015) 073101.


Fei Sun, Tai-Fu Feng, Shu-Min Zhao,Hai-Bin Zhang, et al. B0−B¯0 mixing in supersymmetry with gauged baryon and lepton numbers.Nuclear Physics B888 (2014) 30-51.——传统优秀期刊


Fei Sun, Tai-Fu Feng, Tie-Jun Gao,Hai-Bin Zhang, Shu-Min Zhao. CP violation of {B_d} - {{bar B}_d} mixing in supersymmetry with gauged baryon and lepton numbers.International Journal of Modern Physics A29 (2014) 1450153.


Biao Chen, Shu-Min Zhao, Ben Yan,Hai-Bin Zhang, Tai-Fu Feng. Neutrino Mixing in the BLMSSM.Communications in Theoretical Physics61 (2014) 619-623.


Ke-Sheng Sun*, Jian-Bin Chen*,Hai-Bin Zhang*, Sheng-Kai Cui*. li→3lj in the minimal R-symmetric supersymmetric Standard Model.Modern Physics Letters A35 (2020) 1950359.


Ke-Sheng Sun*, Jian-Bin Chen*, Xiu-Yi Yang*,Hai-Bin Zhang*. One-loop correction to Z→νν in the minimal R-symmetric supersymmetric Standard Model.Modern Physics Letters A34 (2019) 1950058.


Ke-Sheng Sun*, Tai-Fu Feng, Li-Na Kou, Fei Sun, Tie-Jun Gao,Hai-Bin Zhang.Lepton Flavor Violation Decays of Vector Mesons in Unparticle Physics.Modern Physics Letters A27 (2012) 1250172.


